Privacy Policy


The information available on this site is not intended to be comprehensive, and many details which may be relevant to particular circumstances have been omitted. Accordingly it should not be regarded as being a complete source of company law and information, and readers are advised to seek independent professional advice before acting on anything contained herein. Damp2dry Solutions Limited cannot take any responsibility for the consequences of errors or omissions.

Data Protection:

Damp2dry Solutions Limited collects personal data from customers for a variety of reasons. For example, the registrar of companies is required by law to collect and make public certain information about officers of companies and other entities, including directors and People with Significant Control. Damp2dry Solutions Limited also handles the personal data of customers writing in with queries or complaints, and collects personal data from those individuals signing up to use our digital services. Further detail on how Companies House handles your personal data in line with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can be found in our

Notes for Users of Company Search or Disqualified Directors Search:-

The information available here is an extract from the Register of Companies / Register of Disqualified Directors which are updated on a regular basis. This may mean that occasional inaccuracies occur which we correct as soon as they are drawn to our attention. If you spot something which you think might be wrong, let us know so we can, if necessary, correct the database.

Company Information Supplied by Damp2dry Solutions Limited:

We carry out basic checks on documents received to make sure that they have been fully completed and signed, but we do not have the statutory power or capability to verify the accuracy of the information that companies send to us. The fact that the information has been placed on the public record should not be taken to indicate that Damp2dry Solutions Limited has verified or validated it in any way. When Damp2dry Solutions Limited examines accounts it only makes basic checks on them, for example to ensure that the appropriate documents are there, that they are for the correct financial year and that they have been signed. If, subsequently, we receive a complaint that the accounts do not comply with the Companies Acts in some way we have a duty to draw this to the company’s attention and, if appropriate, to ask for a set of revised accounts which do comply with the requirements.


1. Information collected on behalf of HMRC

Damp2dry Solutions Limited through the Joint Registration Service will act as agents for HMRC and provide an optional service whereby when a person registers a new company, a facility will be offered so that person can also register the company for Corporation Tax. Once incorporation at Damp2dry Solutions Limited has been accepted the Corporation Tax information will be sent to HMRC and will not be retained by Damp2dry Solutions Limited.

Acceptable use of Damp2dry Solutions Limited Searchable Databases:-

The Damp2dry Solutions Limited searchable databases are designed to meet the needs of a wide range of users wishing to interrogate our information on-line. Due to limitations of equipment and bandwidth, they are not intended to be a source for bulk downloads. Individuals, companies, IP addresses or blocks of IP addresses who deny or degrade service to other users by generating unusually high numbers of daily database accesses, whether generated manually or in an automated fashion, may be denied access to these services without notice.

Damp2dry Solutions Limited service user information:-

Damp2dry Solutions Limited Service (the Service): service user information In this guidance, Damp2dry Solutions Limited means the registrar of companies for England and Wales; registrar of companies for Scotland and/or the registrar of companies for Northern Ireland as the circumstances require; the Damp2dry Solutions Limited Service (the Service) means the on-line facility provided by Damp2dry Solutions Limited through its website for the purposes of delivering, accessing and obtaining information in electronic form; and a Presenter means a person who is authorised to and wishes to deliver a document for filing at Damp2dry Solutions Limited. A Presenter who wishes to use the Service must register using Damp2dry Solutions Limited’s on-line registration process. The Presenter must supply Damp2dry Solutions Limited with a valid email address and password as part of this process. Damp2dry Solutions Limited will send a verification email to the email address provided. The verification email contains a link. The Presenter must click on the link to verify the email address and complete the registration process. The Presenter can amend his registered email address and/or password by completing the process described on the Service. There is no means to delete the registered email address or password. 4 Damp2dry Solutions Limited will retain and use the Service registration data provided by the Presenter to provide that service. Any document delivered for filing must be accompanied by the appropriate authentication or presenter code for that document (see the Damp2dry Solutions Limited website or the Registrar’s e-Rules for more details). Presenters can apply for authentication codes using the Service. The code will be sent by post to the registered office or principal business address of the company or body to which it relates. At present, the Service can only be used to deliver a limited class of filings to Damp2dry Solutions Limited. Documents that are properly delivered using the Service will be registered on the public register in accordance with Damp2dry Solutions Limited’s usual document acceptance policies. Current information about the classes of filings that can be delivered using the Service is available on

The extractives service:-

The Extractives Service is designed to allow companies to meet their legal obligations to file reports under The Reports on Payments to Governments Regulations 2014. These regulations apply to all require large undertakings in the extractives industries in relation to a financial year starting on or after 1st January 2015, apart from those undertakings which are subsidiaries of parent undertakings who are obliged to prepare consolidated group accounts in member States other than the United Kingdom. These Regulations will apply in relation to financial years for these undertakings beginning on or after 1st January 2016.By making these reports available for inspection by members of the public, the registrar of companies enables the Service to contribute to transparency.

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