How Long Does Woodworm Treatment Last?

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Woodworm infestations refer to the damage caused to timbers by wood-destroying insects that start out as eggs on the wood’s surface and stay most of their lives under the surface as larvae. It may cause some serious damage to the woods in your house, wreaking havoc across the wooden furniture or purchasing their way deep into some important wooden supports in your house.

But what does the process of woodworm treatment include, and how long does woodworm treatment last? Today, through this article, we will explain and make you understand that how long woodworm treatments take to apply and how long they stay functional and effective.

What does the process of woodworm treatment involve?

Woodworm is basically a term which is used to describe a range of woodworm species that burrow deep into timbers. Woodworm larvae leave distinctive trails behind as they dig their way, searching for cellulose into the timbers.

Eventually, those small and tiny holes in the wooden furniture can lead to very dangerous structural instability if they are not treated well and on time.

Firstly, it is important that a skilled and experienced professional identifies the woodworm before a woodworm treatment is applied.

Treatments of woodworm may vary depending on the species and the extent of the infestation. If woodworms are only present at the surface level of the timber then the expert can use pastes or sprays at the surface of the wood but if the woodworm are deep in the timbers, then they can use injections which are best to be applied to reach them.

The process of woodworm treatments are designed to destroy or kill the existing woodworm in the timber or wood, experts also provide an anti-woodworm surface which also stops the further infestation.

How long does woodworm treatment take time to work?

Woodworm treatments instantly kill the woodworm, and removes larvae and eggs in the wood or timber.

If woodworm exists at the surface of the wooden furniture, then it is necessary to hire a professional who can start the treatment quickly to protect your wooden furniture. The process of woodworm treatment takes few hours to be applied throughout the entire household timbers.

If woodworm is much deeper into the woods or timbers, than the process of woodworm treatment can be bit difficult but does not normally take longer than a day to complete it.

How long does the process of woodworm treatment last?

A woodworm treatment is durable and long lasting which promises to stop the return of any infestation for many years at a time. Experts apply the accurate and correct amount of strong chemicals through which the process of woodworm treatments is able to destroy or kill and stop a return of any woodworm for many years.

In general, woodworm treatments have been shown to be effective for up to 20 years, although in practice, their effectiveness can often extend well beyond this timeframe. These treatments establish a protective barrier that deters new woodworm infestations and the laying of eggs, which can later hatch into larvae.

Hence, a woodworm treatment is an excellent idea to not only remove woodworm where they are located but to apply treatment throughout a household to stop any chance for outbreaks. Always remember that prevention is always preferable to treatment when it comes to woodworm.

Also, read – What does a woodworm look like?

Hiring a professional to treat woodworm

Evaluate whether or not professional woodworm treatment is needed. If the woodworm infestation is too huge, or if the woodworms have spiked too deeply into the timber, you will require turning to a professional woodworm destroyer for the help.

If you do it by yourself then chemical treatments only penetrate the surface layers of the timber and will be unsuccessful if the infestation is too severe. Signs that your woodworm infestation is serious enough to hire an exterminator include: 

  • Damaged & week floorboards.
  • Crumbling wood.
  • Visible larvae, eggs or adult insects.

By hiring a professional the timbers can be protected in layers. They will apply a chemical in a proper ratio so that the chemical soaks into the woods and kills existing infestations which also protects against any future outbreaks. They also make sure that this type of woodworm treatment is safe for people and pets who might be in the locality of the treatment area.

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Want to know more about woodworm treatment?

If you find evidence of woodworm holes, don’t panic. Get in touch with Damp2dry solutions who have the best professionals who will help you to get rid of woodworm.

For more information and expert advice on treating woodworm, you can visit Damp2DrySolutions. Our skilled & experienced professionals will be on hand to assist you with your woodworm concerns.

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